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Editorial Services

Are you:


  • a writer of fiction or nonfiction who needs developmental help on your manuscript? 

  • an author of a work of fiction or nonfiction who needs your manuscript edited prior to submission to a publisher, or before self-publishing? 

  • in need of a final proofread?

  • looking for a critique of your first 50 pages for feedback before proceeding further? 

  • needing your blog posts or other material for your website edited? 

  • A professional who needs help writing and publishing your own fiction, nonfiction, or memoir?


I can help! My interests include all types of fiction or narrative or topical nonfiction, with special interests in inspirational fiction, medical or scientific fiction or nonfiction, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, historical, or memoir. Attention will be given to overall organization of the piece—sentence structure, grammar and usage, pace, readability, and more—all while maintaining and enhancing your unique voice and message. I have an eagle eye for clarity, consistency, and cohesiveness. Below are descriptions of the types of editing I can provide. 


Free sample edit upon request



Manuscript Critique

Do you have: 


*A manuscript you know needs work but are unsure what's wrong?


*You've written a good portion of your novel or nonfiction manuscript but would like feedback and advice before proceeding? 


A manuscript critique focuses on things such as plot structure, characterizaton, awkward dialogue, slow spots, over- or under-description, point of view, and author voice. The process involves multiple readings of your manuscript to identify issues that need work, and includes an editorial letter containing practical suggestions with examples on how you can improve your writing. It will also highlighting things you do well. If this sounds like something you need, I'd love to give your work a thorough evaluation. The fee for 50 pages, which is a significant portion of a manuscript and enough to uncover its needs, will run $150. This does not include copyediting. 


Cost: $150 for first 50 pages, Fiction

$175.00 for first 50 pages, Nonfiction


You think you're nearly there but need someone to check your manuscript one final time to catch any remaining errors before it goes to print. Even after a manuscript is edited, it is beneficial to have a final, different set of eyes catch the inevitable remaining mistakes. A proofread will have a faster turn around and a significantly lower cost than a full copyedit.


Cost: 0.01 per word


Writers are typically too close to their work to be able to be objective. A fresh set of eyes trained to catch the kinds of things that make a difference in the quality of your work is essential. Traditional publishing standards are very high. Even if you choose to self-publish your work, a poorly edited book will receive poor reviews. If you want to attract the attention of an agent or publisher, they will reject manuscripts that have errors in the first few paragraphs. Book reviewers can be harsh and critical and won't spare your feelings. I haven't seen a manuscript yet that could go to publication without a thorough, trained editor to fact-check or catch inconsistencies and errors of grammar, syntax, and punctuation.


I keep extensive notes as I go through a manuscript. Among the multitude of things I check are these:


  • Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

  • Inaccuracy of facts (fact-checking) or missing information.

  • Misuse of words, terminology, or figures of speech.

  • Inconsistencies in spelling, capitalization, numerals, or mismatched details.

  • Consistency in style or descriptions.

  • Consistent voice


An editor can polish your words and help make them shine. I will evaluate several pages of your manuscript to determine whether it needs a light edit or a heavier edit, and will give you a quick and fair estimate. 


Cost: 0.015–0.02 per word

Light to heavy editing based on a sample of your manuscript



Substantive or Developmental Editing

This is a "big picture" or macro edit. It will focus on:


  • Clarity and Flow

  • Help with organization, characterization, pacing, plot lines, point of view, setting, and suggestions for general story improvement.

  • Recommendations for moving paragraphs, sentences, or sections as needed

  • Rewriting sentences

  • Recommendations for improving cloudy explanations

  • Recommendations for nonfiction heading/subheading placement

  • Improving gaps between transition areas

  • Help with citations


Cost: 0.03–0.04 per word

Custom quote based on a sample of manuscript




I provide ghostwriting services for the busy individual or professional who wants or needs to publish to enhance their platform or who wants to share their expertise in their field. Other reasons to hire a ghostwriter are for sharing stories related to life or to feature a different, creative side of yourself. 


Most ghostwriting projects are a custom mix of the ideas and stories my clients want to share and the skills I have developed in writing, editing, and life. The process is quite collaborative. I seek my clients' input at every step of the writing process, and generally we work closely together. This situation is ideal for those who have a lot to say but are not well-versed in either writing, knowledge of how to make their stories read well, how to establish an effective plot or structure, or how to go about publishing their books. I will give a custom quote for the job after a detailed conversation with potential clients. Some ghostwriting jobs I call custom ghostwrites. This is a more common situation, as many people have good ideas as to what they want and enjoy providing some of the writing themselves, with direction. For more information, send me an email and we can discuss your needs. 

Other Services


If you have need of other copywriting services, please ask. I can provide help and direction with cover copy, press releases, and other writing needs.

Need more details? Contact me by email.

I will normally answer within a day, usually sooner. 

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